
Welcome to my Blog. I am always trying to find new and unique ways to express myself through my glass. My work has evolved into my favorite item; pet cremation remembrance pendants. This is where I permanently fuse ashes between layers of glass. My most recent creation is my sepia - pictures in glass, where I take a picture and fuse it into glass. I have also done a few remembrance items with people's ashes which turned out amazing.

My glass can be purchased on either of my two websites

If you need something different, please contact me at
addicted2glassfusion@yahoo.com so we can discuss what you're looking for.

Enjoy my blog. Hopefully you'll find something that inspires you.

Some of my items at addicted2glassfusion.etsy.com

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's new?

I'm so excited.  I can't wait for everyone to see my new dichroic fused glass watches that I'm working on.   I'm still in the process of cutting and grinding the glass.  I hope to fuse them this weekend so I can then shape them into the watch pieces next week.  The colors are amazing.  I'll have reds, blues, greens, purples, pinks, silver, gold, and so many combinations.  When I went to Las Vegas in April, I purchased so many beautiful colors of the dishroic glass.  I think I'll have a good variety of watches for people to choose from.  I'll be posting pictures here on my blog and to my two websites when I have them finished.  Here are the links to my sites.  Chem back late June to see my watches   http://www.artfire.com/users/addicted2glassfusion#   http://www.etsy.com/shop/addicted2glassfusion

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